Secrets Over Sweet Tea- Book Review

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I’ve been having a hard time pulling myself away from this book. I do declare it’s been in my hands going with me from room to room and if I have two seconds I’ve been reading it. (I’ve been mighty blessed with being able to read remarkable books here lately!!)

This book may hold a lot of interest for me because it is a symbol of the way things are in the small towns in the south. This is a quote from the book, “Northerners are a different breed, baby. They don’t like you to touch them. They don’t want to be called sugar or sweetie or honey pie or darlin’. They’ve never heard of lard. They have no clue on God’s green earth what fixin’ to even means. And if you say y’all, they look at you like you probably marry your second cousin or something.” Now, I was born in Ohio and raised there until I was 9.5 years old.

When I moved to SC, my Dad picked on me for saying “y’all and fixin’ to” all the time. He still does when we do talk.

People up north don’t interact with those around them hardly at all. I literally lived in an apartment building and couldn’t tell you a thing about the people who lived upstairs above me other than they were even louder than I was when they were having sex. I tried on numerous occasions to talk to people in the grocery store, and only really succeeded with one person who ended up being a close friend.

The people up north are always on the go, and they act like life has to be in constant movement. Which may explain why things are usually more advanced in the north. However, they tend to forget that life isn’t always about making the next big buck.. that isn’t going to be what people are really going to be able to hang on to when your gone.

Please don’t get me wrong, I do NOT think everyone from the north falls into this category. I am saying as a whole… this is a difference between the north and the south.

This book literally makes me feel like I’m making new friends. I’m getting to know someone who very well may be my next door neighbor. I can fully relate to the characters in the story. I’ve laughed with them and just felt like I was able to jump into the conversation and know what the next sentence is going to be. (If you’re an avid reader you understand what I’m getting at.)

I recommend this book for any woman going through any stage of life. I’m not 100% done with this book, but I’m willing to bank I will be by the end of the night or pretty darn close. It’s one of those books that is easy to speed read as well. So, if you only get a few minutes to read at a time you’ll still be able to pick up where you left off without any difficulty. Of course, you may be chewing on your lips dying to find out what other juicy bit of details are going to be revealed while you’re tending to the kids or doing housework.

Don’t walk to get this book… run…



Disclosure: I did receive this book free from Tyndale to review in exchange for this book review. However, that in NO way shaped my opinion of this book!!! GUARANTEED!!!



Book Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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