Parenting to Motivate Your Kids

As a teenager, I remember wanting to have seven kids with Del. I was a lifeguard in charge of on average of 50 kids at a time all summer long for most of my teen years. On top of that I was doing everything I could to become a teacher. Then when I became a parent, things didn’t go as planned in that arena because of many different factors. However, I’ve been richly blessed with three beautiful children. All of them challenge me in ways I never dreamed possible.

They say, “parenting is the hardest job you’ll ever do.” I can’t disagree with that logic at all. I can run a successful restaurant with my eyes closed. When it comes to parenting, there are many times I’m left feeling like I missed a big piece of the puzzle at the end of the day.

One of the pieces that I am always feeling like I’m missing is the power to get my kids motivated to turn into grown independent beings. I want them to realize that even though I give them a long list of chores to do each day, or I push them hard on their school work, it is all done out of love. The chance to review [easyazon_link identifier=”0529100738″ locale=”US” tag=”tidbitofexp-20″]Motivate Your Child[/easyazon_link] by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN was one I was eager to take.

Motivate Your Child is a book about using God’s word as your guide to how to parent. It focuses on teaching kids to use their internal motivation to hold themselves accountable. Considering I haven’t installed that into my kids, this book has become one that I’ve devoured. This reading material has loads of advice on how to teach children to be more responsible and respectful.

Honestly, I went into reading this book figuring I’d get the answer on how to deal with one of my kids’ attitude issues and find ways to fix that issue. I did get that, but the answer wasn’t in changing him. The answer was in changing MY mindset. Changing me is not always an easy thing because I have become VERY set in my ways.

That’s sad! How can I expect my kids to change if I’m not willing to do it? That’s not setting a superb example! In many ways, this book goes completely against how I was raised, but if I am honest, I feel that this book’s principles are way more powerful.

I recommend this book for any parent or soon to be parents. It will reshape the way you think about parenting. For some, it may be a case of speaking to the choir, but for people who had a very similar upbringing as me this is a very enlightening experience.

You can purchase Kindle version of [easyazon_link identifier=”0529100738″ locale=”US” tag=”tidbitofexp-20″]Motivate Your Child[/easyazon_link] on Amazon for $9.78. Personally though, I have both the Kindle version and the paperback. I appreciate the paperback one because I have many sections of this bookmarked and highlighted. Plus I was able to give a part of the book to my oldest son and have him read it. It helped that someone else was able to explain something to him that I’ve been trying to explain to him for some time now. It was the starting point for our attitude adjustments for us. Now we have a copy of it available for easy access.

If you purchase, Motivate Your Child between now and February 28, 2015 you can gain a lot of additional products worth $150.00 for free. You just need to order the book and keep the copy of your receipt. Then send an email with MYC150 Promo in the subject line with a receipt of purchase to Biblical Parenting will send you the link and a special code to access these downloadable videos, audio and written products.

I can tell you that the additional products are worth having too. There are videos for parents to watch and glean information. There is family activities to help teach kids ages 3-12 how to value correction more. Plus there is a resource for making Bible study fun. Since I’m not overly creative, these resources have come in handy.

What is your biggest struggle to motivate your kids?  



Book Reviews, Entertainment

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

41 comments on “Parenting to Motivate Your Kids”

  1. Sounds like a wonderful read and a much needed book in a world that is full on instant gratification and less work because of overwhelming acitivities, therefore less opportunities to learn to be independent.

    • It truly is a great read. I love the resources that are also included when you use the coupon code. My kids have a lot of exposure to technology and entertainment related activities. However, they know the value of hard work too. That could stem from the fact that their grandparents own their own business, my husband has his, and I have the blogging world. They see us all day long working diligently to make ends meet, but yet make time for them too. Plus they are homeschooled so they don’t get to escape the realities of working.

      This book just helped me see how we can improve on our parenting techniques. I’m glad you found it interesting. I do hope that you will consider getting it and reading it.
      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I appreciate your company!

  2. Looks like a great book!! In today’s world of video games and things like that, we need to try even harder to motivate them!! Great tips.

    • Thank you, Jamie for stopping by and commenting. I’m sure that this book is going to make a positive difference in our world provided we can get it in enough people’s hands.
      I appreciate your company today.

  3. It’s so interesting that the answer you received from the book isn’t at all like what you thought you’d be getting when you started. That’s a great book when it can steer you where you need to be!

    • I agree completely. I was going to do the review on this book a lot sooner, but held off because I was so wrapped up in reading it and marking pages I wanted to hang on to. Plus I wanted to do the activities that came with it. I’m glad I was blessed with the chance to be a part of this campaign.

      It’s always nice to have your company and comments.

  4. Sounds like a great book. We used biblical parenting from the beginning starting with what we learned in our church child rearing classes when we were expecting our first son. Our kids turned out great and they know to look to God’s world for both motivation and conviction.

    • That’s great to hear. Your kids always did sound like wonderful people. Of course, look who their mother is. 🙂 I’m glad you came by. Thank you for commenting.

  5. Overall, I don’t have to do too much to motivate my kids. However, sometimes I do have to motivate them to get their homework done.

    I think I would probably like that book. And I agree that parenting is the TOUGHEST job. EVER.

    • I’m so glad to hear that your kids don’t need you to motivate them a lot. That means you taught them how to use their internal motivators on their own, which is awesome!

      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  6. Sounds like a good book! I agree, our most important job as parents is to raise our children to be self-sufficient adults. I may have to give this a read!

    Thank you for sharing with us at #MommyMeetupMondays! Hope to see you again next week!

  7. This sounds like a great read and something every parent could probably use! I try to motivate my boys on a daily basis by actively engaging them and telling them how proud I am of them.

    • Take your time. Kids change EVERYTHING. I don’t regret having my kids, but I do wish I had lived more before I had them. Of course, I was told I’d never have kids, and it’s been a rich blessing that I’ve had all of the kids I have had. If it wasn’t for terrible pregnancies and poor decisions on my part, I probably would have had my seven kids.

  8. This looks like a great book! What you said about expecting your kids to change if you don’t, and setting an example, that is so true! It’s amazing what our mindsets as adults can do to our kids attitudes and actions.

  9. I just love this line: “Internal motivation to hold themselves accountable” – I think that will go a long way and is very good advice.

    • I agree. That is one of my favorite aspects that this book/program teaches. I’m personally hindering Jimmy from learning it and didn’t even realize it. I’m trying to get better at it, but it’s hard. He has NO internal motivation at all.

  10. Hi Crystal,
    I like parenting on biblical principals; so, I think that the biblical aspect of this book would be great. I remember reading a book about parenting titled something like this: How to shepherd your child’s heart . Good info.
    I am new here. I like making connections too. I came via Motivational Monday Link up.
    Have a fabulous day and be blessed!
    Pamela – Literate For Life

    • Pamela,

      I’m so glad that you agree that this is valuable information. This book follows a strong biblical principle, and I loved learning more about that principle while I devoured this movie.
      I enjoyed reading your recent post about Writing and Basketball. It was a very well written piece and inspirational.
      I’m glad you stopped by today and commented. I hope to see you around again.

  11. Thanks for sharing with us at Mommy Monday!
    I feel like being positive motivates my children. I’m always making sure to highlight the good. One of the reasons my husband and I chose to homeschool had to do with the school’s focus on the negative versus the focus on the good. Positive is powerful 🙂

    • I’m glad you agree that positive is such a very important part of our kids life.
      I’m surprised to hear about your kids experience in their local schools. It seems to me that schools have become more worried about crushing a kids self-esteem versus actually disciplining them here.
      I’m so glad you came by to visit. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

  12. Wow- that sounds like an outstanding deal. I totally agree with you about loving paperbacks as well, nothing beats being able to write in margins and physically look something up. Will have to check this book out! Thanks 🙂

    • I enjoy paperbacks on books that I want to make notes on/it. Otherwise, I love to read on Kindle app. I’m confident you’ll like this book.

    • Terri,

      You’re welcome. I’ve got another really good one going live tomorrow too that I’m sure you’ll appreciate too. I hope you’ll check it out. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

  13. I could really use the help on parenting because my children, like all children, are each so different and I parent them in their unique ways of how they receive information, etc. I mean, I have an umbrella of a parenting style, but the details are different with each kid.

    I found your post at Small Victories Sunday linkup.

    • Brandi,
      We almost have to have the umbrella parenting style with our kids. Like you pointed out, our kids are all unique. I find something beneficial from all of the parenting books I’ve read through the years.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again.

    • I’m glad that you came by to check it out some more. This book is very valuable and a good parenting book worth reading.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  14. this actually sounds quite useful and helpful…forwarding this to a friend of mine knowing she will use it. Sharing it on my social media. Thanks for linking up with the #BookReviewBlogHop

    • Thank you for sharing it with your friend. I hope she finds it beneficial.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

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