Manwich Sloppy French Fries

Manwich has been a big part of my life since I was the little kid. My mom used to make it as a treat for us when we wanted a quick meal on those cold days in between messing with the horses. It is a form of food that I would look forward to getting as a kid. Now that I’m a busy parent too, I have passed that family favorite onto my children. I tend always to get creative with the ways in which I eat Manwich.

I am not a fancy cook by any means. I am too afraid of messing up a meal entirely. Somehow though I always manage to want to play with Manwich in different recipes. I have added all kinds of toppings onto a Manwich sandwich to make feel like I’m eating a sloppy burger with all the toppings. I have used it in chili. Manwich offers a lot of other wonderfully useful suggestions on their website dedicated to recipes using Manwich. My all time favorite way, to eat them though, is with my Manwich Sloppy French Fries.

Manwich Sloppy French Fries
Recipe Type: side dish
Author: Crystal Green
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
This is just a simple way to make an all in one meal.
  • Manwich
  • Hamburger
  • French Fries
  • Shredded Cheese
  • Chives
  • Optional: Sour Cream & Salsa
  1. Cook the hamburger and add Manwich while your french fries are cooking in the oven.
  2. [url href=”″][img src=”” width=”700″ height=”462″ class=”aligncenter size-full” title=”Manwich Sloppy French Fries” alt=”Manwich Sloppy French Fries”][/url]
  3. Take the french fries out of the oven and cover them with your Manwich mix and then add as much-shredded cheese on it as you would like.
  4. [url href=”″][img src=”” width=”700″ height=”286″ class=”aligncenter size-full” title=”Manwich Sloppy French Fries” alt=”Manwich Sloppy French Fries”][/url]
  5. [url href=”″][img src=”” width=”700″ height=”380″ class=”aligncenter size-full” title=”Manwich Sloppy French Fries” alt=”Manwich Sloppy French Fries”][/url]
  6. Then you add your chives. Optional (but I find it’s better): sour cream and salsa
  7. [url href=”″][img src=”” width=”700″ height=”346″ class=”aligncenter size-full” title=”Manwich Sloppy French Fries” alt=”Manwich Sloppy French Fries”][/url]


As you can see, this is an easy meal/side dish to make. My kids LOVE it, and they are quick to stop whatever they are doing to get to the dinner table. It is less messy way to eat Manwich. Although, I’ll be honest, I do love the fact that eating sloppy joes the correct way does make life interesting at the table and creates loads of laughter.

Create Family Memories

If you have kids who tend to use technology at the table, sloppy joes are one meal that you have to use both hands to eat it. It is great for building bonding type conversations. Manwich Sloppy Joes is the kind of meal where playing the [easyazon_link asin=”B00LFVVZCA” locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”tidbitofexp-20″]Dinner Games: serving up conversation and family fun[/easyazon_link] would more readily accepted because your family is already in good spirits.

More Delicious Manwich Information

Be sure to visit Manwich.  Keep in mind that Manwich has three different delicious types of flavors (Original, Bold, and Thick and Chunky)  for your family dinner meals. Be sure to join in on the conversations on #ManwichMondays for more ideas and fun conversation.

How do you use Manwich in your family?



Food & Drink

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

9 comments on “Manwich Sloppy French Fries”

  1. Oh my gosh yes. I totally get the idea of making an easier way for little ones to eat Manwich like your crazy good Manwich sloppy french fries.

    • You’re welcome. Thank you for checking this out. I appreciate the words of encouragement. It may not look like much, but it really is good.

  2. What an awesome idea! I’ve never heard of these, but my roommate in college would’ve LOVED them. Thanks for sharing at DDT!

  3. These look amazing!!! I know they would be a bit hit in my house. Thanks for linking up with Try a New Recipe Tuesday. Hope you can join us again this week.

    • Lisa,

      I’m so glad you like this idea. This is really simple and good. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting.

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