Kids Can Stay in Touch Safely

We had the great pleasure of reviewing  in exchange for an honest blog review. 

Like most families, we have family and friends all over the world who enjoy talking and interacting with our kids. Prior to finding out about I had set up an email account for Jimmy using my information. His email box gets filled up with loads of emails from companies he has no idea who they are from or why he’s getting those emails. Luckily he hasn’t been hit with the type of emails that I fear him getting in his email box. However, I also do keep a close tab on his email account.

After dealing with Jimmy having an adult email account that made me fear letting him open his account without me checking it first, this was a Godsend for me honestly. I set up Delbert’s email account I honestly was expecting it to be totally different than a regular email system. However, the only big change that I can say was really involved was Delbert was able to choose his background design on work screen.

I thought that these borders were going to show up in the emails I got from Delbert, but they didn’t. Instead, it looks like a regular email should look when you get it. There is something to say about him having these borders on his screen. That was his big excitement over learning how to actually send emails now.

Delbert wasn’t overly thrilled with the fact that now he has to actually write complete sentences. Plus he has to come up with things to write about because sending graphics and a blank page was not going to fly for Mommy. Since I have the power to control who he sends emails to and if they actually get to the sender that further disappointed him. He tried to send off an email to his grandma that went against the rule. He was shocked to find out that I got his email FIRST.

This system is uniquely set up with both kids and parents in mind. It gives the kids a sense of freedom to create their online workspace. It also allows parents to control the when and hows and to whom of their kids email accounts. I definitely feel parents who want to give their kids the chance to stay connected with loved ones should consider giving this system a try. I personally am also using it to help teach my kids technology and language arts lessons during our homeschooling lessons. They seem to have more fun with these lessons than looking at a blank screen. is also hosting their first semi-annual young author competition. It doesn’t end until December 15, 2013. You still have plenty of time to check it out and get your kids entered.

You can find out more about on their website. They would love to connect with you on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest.

Do your kids have an email account? 

Disclosure: I did receive this system free of charge to try in exchange for an honest review. That in no way shaped my opinion of this product.



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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

4 comments on “Kids Can Stay in Touch Safely”

  1. Hi Crystal,

    It’s definitely important to keep kids away from danger when it comes to the online world and anything keep them from what could be bad news is a good tool to use for parents.

    Thank you for this.

    • It’s not easy to do for sure. Even sites like Yahoo are filled with things they shouldn’t see now. I’m glad you liked this information. 🙂

  2. Ohhhh I like this. The Teen got an account just through Gmail but I had my info and it was SUCH a pain to monitor. I bet this would be good for Midge 🙂

    • It’s a nice program. You can still monitor if you need to, but so far, I haven’t seen any reason to need to monitor his account. It’s very kid friendly to use as well.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

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