How to Improve your Sleeping Patterns

If you need to wake up at a certain time in the morning then you will probably set an alarm to wake you up. Whether you use your phone or a traditional alarm clock, these will wake you up with a beeping alarm.

Problems with a Normal Alarm Clock

Normal alarm clocks may do the job of waking you up but they will wake you with a sudden jolt. Even if you are in a deep sleep cycle they will abruptly wake you up. This can cause problems with the hormone levels in your body. As a result, you can wake up feeling tired or in a bad mood.

What is a Sunrise Alarm Clock?

A sunrise alarm clock wakes you up gradually, gently by simulating a sunrise. This is a much more natural way of waking up which is kinder to your body clock. The sunrise alarm clock can be set in the same way as a regular clock. Just before it’s time to wake up the clock will start to turn the light on. The light is gradually made brighter to simulate a real sunrise. As the light gets brighter you will be woken up gradually.

How can a Sunrise Alarm Clock improve your Sleeping pattern?

Getting woken up abruptly by an irritating beeping buzzer is not very healthy. It is also very tempting to hit the snooze button on the alarm clock which means you will wake up late. As a sunrise alarm clock makes the room light before you wake up, you will be much more likely to stay awake and get ready on time.

Also, most people find that the sunrise alarm clock improves moods and decreases depression. This is thought to be due to improving and balancing natural levels of hormones in the body.

A sunrise alarm clock can help you to get a good quality sleep all night long, and still wake up on time for work the next day.





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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

14 comments on “How to Improve your Sleeping Patterns”

    • Your welcome. I believe it will make a huge difference.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

    • Your welcome. I am glad you found an idea worth considering.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

    • Maybe this gives you another solid reason to consider getting one.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

    • It is well worth looking into getting. It may make a positive difference in your life.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

    • I think you’ll like the effect it has compared to the other types of alarm clocks.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  1. I try really hard not to press snooze, but it happens. A lot. 🙁 I wonder if the brightness would wake me though…I’ll have to check this out.

  2. This advice is excellent! So many people have trouble sleeping and staying asleep, which, of course has a very bad impact on sleeping patterns. It can difficult to get on the right path when it comes to sleeping, so tips like yours are really helpful! Thanks so much for sharing!


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