How to Stay Safe On the Road

You probably aren’t spending as much time on the road due to Coronavirus. When you do go out, you may see fewer people on the road. This might leave you with the feeling that you can take more risks; maybe you want to drive a little faster, cut a few corners, and speed through that next red light.

Suffice it to say that these are all really bad ideas. Just because fewer people are on the road doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t worry about safety. So, let’s look at how to stay safe on the road!

Keep Your Vehicle Maintained

When you’re driving less, you’re not thinking about vehicle maintenance as much. In fact, it might be the last thing on your mind at the moment. However, keeping your vehicle well-maintained is vital for your safety. Get your oil topped off, check the battery, deal with any engine issues, replace your filters, and keep air in your tires. In short, don’t skimp on getting your vehicle serviced just because you’re not on the road as much.

Be Prepared to Drive At Night

Driving at night is always more dangerous than driving during the day. Even with fewer cars on the road, there’s still the risk of a collision with foreign objects, animals, or other vehicles. So, make sure that you’re prepared to drive at night. If you struggle to see even with your bright lights on, this could be a problem. Consider getting Baja lights or something comparable for your vehicle to ensure that you can see anything coming your way when the sun goes down.

Don’t Ignore the Speed Limit

The speed limit exists for a reason. Even if you’re the only car on the road, the speed limit ensures that you don’t go too fast and lose control of your vehicle. This is especially important if it’s raining or there’s ice on the ground. In short, low traffic is no excuse to be reckless.

Moreover, going well over the speed limit can still get you fined for speeding. With fewer cars on the road, it’s easier for police to catch drivers who aren’t obeying the rules. So, stay under the speed limit to stay safe and avoid paying hefty fines.

Always Wear Your Seatbelt

Some people think they can get away with not wearing their seatbelt if it’s really late at night, if there are few people on the road, or if they’re just driving a short distance. This is completely wrong. You should always wear your seatbelt when you’re driving a vehicle. Additionally, you should always make passengers in your vehicle wear their seatbelts. If something awful were to happen, you would not want to be responsible for someone’s injury or death.

If you’re one of the few people out on the road at the moment, don’t forget to be safe! Coronavirus has taken a lot of people away from their jobs and daily activities, which means that traffic is low. However, there are always risks involved when driving. So, if you heed the advice above, you’ll be much safer out there!




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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