How To Find A V-Day Gift For Your Man

As February 14th approaches girls begin to drop hints about what they want. Most girls in relationships expect gifts on Valentine’s Day. Unfortunately, some boyfriends often get over looked and do not receive a gift. Others, may receive a small token of love, but it often does not compare to the time and energy that he put into making this the best day of the year for you. This year could be the year to exceed all of his expectations. In other words, go big or go home.

Something Made from the Heart

Everyone knows the way to a women’s heart on Valentine’s Day is often starts out with chocolate and flowers. However, there can be an equivalently easy way to a man’s heart. It is often said that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. A gift, especially for a boyfriend, can be as simple as making him something. It does not matter if it is brownies or his favorite dinner. Any gift that he can eat can be a great one. Just knowing that you made his favorites – just for him – is all that matters. So, go take a look into your recipe book and pull out his favorite.

Going to the Big Game Together

Love can be expressed in many different ways. For some it is showing affection, but for others it can be sharing time doing something that they love. Many men love sports and nothing compares to watching a game live. A great Valentine’s Day surprise can be attending or buying tickets to a game with the promise that you will attend it with him. One of his buddies can go with him anytime, but nothing holds a candle to going to one with his girlfriend.

Relationships are not all about the girl. There are two people in the relationship. This means that there should be an equal amount of give and take. Being willing to do anything with him is crucial in a successful relationship. Even if it does not intrigue you. It shows how much you want to be a part of every aspect of his life. Valentine’s Day is a day of romantic gestures. Everyday of the year you should be doing things to show him how much you care. But Valentine’s Day should be a day that supersedes all other romantic gestures. Make this the year a priority by letting him know how much you care.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

2 comments on “How To Find A V-Day Gift For Your Man”

  1. I always tell the ‘other half’ rhat if he even thought about buying flowers for me on Valentine’s Day I would stamp on them! We have a nice meal or a concert treat or something, but avoid the over priced over hyped flowers and chocolate route!

    • I can definitely understand that one. We hardly ever celebrate Valentine’s Day itself. However, my husband ensures that he takes me out on a date any chance he gets. 🙂

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