Home Run Book Review

This is such a heartwarming book. I totally enjoyed reading this book for review. It hit home in many ways as well.

We all know that I’m someone who deals with the pain and burden of being sexually abused most of my life by various guys in my life. I feel this book made me realize that I don’t handle that pain in the best of way. I did when I had horses because my horses were literally my “equine therapy.” However, without them, I truly don’t know how to cope and tend to use eating as my addiction and disorder.

We all have our own share of burdens and pain. However, there are so many of us who truly don’t know how to handle them. We definitely play that “victim” card an awful lot. We don’t want to take credit for our actions. However, that’s where the true healing does start.

When I offered to do this book review I honestly thought it was going to be a wonderful read, but I wasn’t prepared for it to shake me up along the way. I’ve been blessed with getting my first true love back as my husband and having him to forgive me for all the mistakes I made. However, I still struggle with so many unresolved issues. This book made me take a look at that fact.

There are some days that I’m buried in pain and self-pity. I am definitely moody as all get out. Then there are days that I feel strong and feel like I’m finally headed in the right direction. However, one little setback messes me up big time. So, I definitely need to consider making some more changes.

So, I encourage anyone who deals with any type of past hurt or knows someone close to them that does to read this book. It will give you hope. It will remind you of the power of forgiveness and love. It will also remind you that we serve a God who is all-powerful and he truly does have a plan for us.



Book Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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