Help Mate List For My Kids

I joke and say that I currently have a Fuss Box, Whine Box, and an Attitude Box. However, I also look at them and am quickly reminded that all of those nicknames I have for them will be quickly outgrown. They will be growing up and seeking a partner to be their helpmate in life one day in the near future.

It’s Right around the Corner

Even though my kids are 10, 6, and 2, I realize how quickly that time is going fly by. The dating years will be on us way faster than I want to imagine. Yet, I look at them now and think about the type of person I want them to spend the rest of their life with after they leave our home.

For My Oldest

Jimmy is a devoted believer of God with every ounce of his being. He strives to be a solid human being looking after others as much as possible. He also is very book smart! He is remarkable with younger kids. He’s been adamant for many years now that he’s going into the Air Force.  I know that is going to put a hinder on him getting to be married, and if it doesn’t that means he’s going to need to marry a remarkable woman through and through.

So, for him I hope and pray that he meets a woman who is fully devoted to God and him. I want her to love him so much that she would follow him to the end of the Earth and back. She needs to be prepared to be a full time housewife and mother.

He is a family man. His family means a great deal to him, and I believe that will always be the case for him. So, his wife needs to be willing to accept that he will remain actively close to his family and have close contact with them. She needs to be prepared to have a house full of kids. Jimmy can’t wait to have kids of his own. I can fully see him having as many as he can afford to have. I believe with every ounce of my being that he’s going to make a remarkable father.

I believe Jimmy will be very picky about his future wife because he knows how important it is. He believes in working things out. He doesn’t want to have to go through a divorce because he’s lived through the nasty effects of it. He will be in for the long haul when he makes that move.

For My Middle Child

Delbert has a heart of gold, and as a result he is extra sensitive. He has a fashion sense like it’s nobody’s business. He is creative and his imagination is very strong. He’s a very hard worker in everything he does! He strives to be the best and first at everything. He yearns to be a cop to protect others and to catch all of the bad guys in this world.

His wife is going to have to be head strong as well. She’s going to have to be full of energy to keep up with this man in the making. She is also going to have to be strong and calm enough to stand her ground when it’s needed.

She has to be prepared to shower him with small acts of love to let him know he is loved. He suffers from the middle child syndrome something fierce. Quite honestly I try to avoid him having to deal with that, but it’s so hard when Zeva is so utterly demanding and Jimmy’s school work takes so much time and energy from me because he needs the extra help so much.

She has to be prepared to be equally as spoiled rotten. He will hand his wife the moon and back if he’s able to do it. Gosh knows he spoils me rotten.

He will want a woman who dresses to impress. He will love her for who she is, but he loves to see me dressed up. If it was up to him I’d be wearing dresses, fancy sandals, and makeup with my hair done well every day. Anytime I do that for his Daddy, he is so quick to tell me how nice I look and how much he likes to see me like that.

I fear that he will fall in love to quickly. I’m prepared to deal with many heartbreaks with him. I just hope those heartbreaks do not lead to many divorces for him.

For My Youngest

This child is living up to her name sake. She is definitely a like a little “wolf.” She is both emotionally and physically strong. She is a control freak too. Delbert and her butt heads like crazy. She has a big huge heart full of love to share.

However, despite all of that, I know she’s going to need a man just like her Daddy in so many ways. She’s going to need a man that can measure up to her expectations. I believe with every ounce of my being that her Dad’s approval of him is going to matter a great deal to her. Despite how much she clings to me, her love and respect for her Daddy is strong.

I know her future husband is going to have a lot to live up to. She is growing up with a visual representation of what a husband should be. My husband does have some faults that I hope she doesn’t pick out in a man. I hope she gets a much more patient man that my husband. (I’m not patient worth a dime either, so that is not my way of cutting down my husband because the pot is definitely black in this case!)

Realizing the Reality of the Situation

These are the things I hope that my kids find in their future mates. I also know that despite my intentions and opinions, the cold hard reality is that I’m NOT the one who will have to live with their perspective spouses. Therefore, my honest opinion of them will not matter in the long run. Provided they do not choose someone who will harm them in some way, I will only be there for my kids as they need me.

What type of person do you envision as a spouse for your kids? 




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

6 comments on “Help Mate List For My Kids”

  1. I think it’s so wonderful how you approach your children as individual people and you really “get” them. You understand them and that their needs are not all the same. In the end, you even understand that this is just your idea of what they need, but that you will fully support them in their decisions (provided, of course, they don’t choose someone who is harmful for them). Awesome! –Lisa

  2. Interesting post! This is something I haven’t even thought about for my son yet (1 1/2 years old) but boy it makes me nervous to think about! I love all the special and tiny differences between each kid that makes them unique! Thanks for sharing with the Weekend Blog Block Party! Hope to see you link up with us again this weekend!

  3. i think its wonderful that you can express your feelings about your children in such a graceful manner . i believe every child has there own personality and should be allowed to grow as such. i am glad your children believe in GOD after all he our creator.. thanks for sharing @tisonlyme143

    • Your welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed this post. My kids are my heart, even if they do make my heart race like crazy at least once a day.

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