Helicopter Parents Hinder Development of Children; Use Parental Control App as a Solution

The ‘helicopter parents‘ combine overprotection with excessive control over their children, something not very beneficial, which prevents children from learning to face problems and to be autonomous.
Experts warn that in recent years a tendency has increased among parents to protect their children, avoiding any difficulty or risk, something that not only does not benefit them but prevents them from developing their personality correctly, and it does not allow them to learn to face problems or to be autonomous or responsible for their actions and decisions. The phenomenon has been called ‘helicopter parents,’ and it characterizes a type of parents whose way of educating consists of combining overprotection with excessive control and high demand that leads them to promote competitiveness in children.

The consequence of this excessive concern of parents for the future of their children is that they end up protecting them from life instead of preparing them to face it since they are very young, they develop a dependency,

Children educated in this way may have less initiative and little motivation for studies and not develop their creativity well. In addition, they often refuse to acknowledge their mistakes, their tolerance for frustration is very low, and they do not take responsibility for their actions or their own well-being, becoming irritated or reacting aggressively if the people in their environment do not attend to their wishes.

What are the best parenting practices?

Experts suggest that it is appropriate to scold children when we want to correct inappropriate behavior, explaining the reasons why the limits are established, although it points out that learning is more effective if the child assumes a natural consequence of their behavior; for example, if you do not complete homework or a task that you must do on time, you will not be able to go to the park or play with your friends.

This way, experts encourage parents to allow their children to make mistakes because mistakes are an important source of learning, and children should be able to make mistakes. Therefore, it conveys the message that the help that should be given in the case of homework is not to do for them to get better grades but to teach them to organize themselves, manage their time, solve any specific doubt… and reduce this support as the child acquires autonomy. With that, they should make use of parental control apps. One great way to monitor kids remotely is using a parental control app such as FamilyTime that helps parents supervise their kids remotely at every time and from anywhere.

With the app, parents can see the Web behavior of their kids and see the URLs they visit along with the web pages saved as bookmarks or favorites in their browser. With that, parents can see their call logs, SMS history, Contacts, apps installed on their phone, their location details, and much more. To explore the features of this app, give it a free try. To get the trial version, go now to iTunes on your phone and download the app from there.

Along with these tips, experts advise that parents and children carry out activities separately from time to time. This helps to take care of the couple, and the children gain independence, which also benefits them. Use these suggestions and simplify parenting!




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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