Going Back to College and Have Kids? Here’s What You Should Consider

If you are a working mum, and would like to improve your career opportunities, you might be thinking about taking an online or offline college course to bring your skills and knowledge up to date. The sad truth is that you will be facing several obstacles, and you will need to consider several aspects of your life changing significantly. Read the below guide to help you make an informed decision about going back to college.

Online or Offline?

If you are currently working, you might want to look into online courses that work better around your busy schedule. If you are a part of a working family, and you don’t have family members who can help you, it is possible that you will struggle juggling work, school, and childcare, not to mention the housework.

Photo by Brian

You can find a quality online MBA program that gives you the flexibility you need and the the accreditation you need to progress your career further.

How Will You Support Your Family?

If you need to stop working or reduce your hours, you might not be able to afford all the things you could before. Consider the cost of your course, and make sure that you can afford it for the years to come. You can always take out a student loan, apply for financial aid, borrow from friends, or do a part time study that will not interfere with your work and family life. However, you should not compromise your family budget when going back to college.

Childcare and Costs

Another financial aspect of going back to school is the cost of childcare. You are not likely to do your assignments while your kids are running around in the living room. If you work full time, you will certainly need help with childcare. Ask for quotes from local providers, and try to find after school activities for the kids, so you have at least a few hours each days to spend on your college work.

Will You Find the Time?

You need to ask yourself and answer honestly: will you be able to take time off your busy schedule to complete your course? If not, you might end up wasting your time and money. Sit down with family members and discuss your plans with them, so you know how they can help. If you will end up neglecting your assignments, you should not even start your course.

How Long Will It Take?

While you might want to qualify in a few years, this might not be possible. If you are taking a higher level course, you will need to gain work experience before you qualify for a diploma. Make sure you are aware of the commitments and can cope with the disruption and busy schedule for the years you need to complete your college course. If sign up for a part time course, you will not have to spend that much time each day studying, but getting your degree will take longer.

Photo by Courtney

Before you decide to go back to college, you should make sure your choice doesn’t compromise the family budget and your busy schedule.




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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