How to Get the Guest Room Ready

When having guests over it is important that you make them feel welcome. So, before they arrive spend some time preparing for their arrival and once they arrive you can fully enjoy their company and not worry about a thing. This also makes their time with you a memorable one. Here are some ideas to make those loved ones visiting feel at home.

Make space

Put away any unnecessary clutter and remove any personal items from the room. You might also need to clear out a drawer and the wardrobe to make space for your guest’s stuff. Don’t forget to leave some empty hangers for guests.

Photo by Laura D’Alessandro

This space should feel open and inviting in order to make your guests feel comfortable.

Clean the room

Make sure the room is clean. There is nothing worse than staying somewhere that’s dirty and looks unclean. Vacuum, dust, sweep or mop the floors if necessary. Try to also be aware of strong scents or odours as well, your guests may not appreciate your fruity smelling air fresheners as much as you do. Open the windows to air the room out if you need to.

Buy a comfy mattress

This might not be the first thing that comes to mind when kitting out your guest bedroom but think of it this way, the room can look as gorgeous as anything but if the quality of sleep is rubbish, your guests most likely won’t want to stay again. Divan Beds Centre have over 100 quality and reasonably priced mattresses to choose from. Go check them out and find that perfect mattress to give your guest the best sleep they’ve ever had.

Prepare the bed

Make sure the bed has fresh clean sheets. Tuck in the corners, plump the pillows and turn down the sheets making it look like the perfect place to curl up in. Try using cotton sheets for the summer and flannel for those colder months.

Make sure everything works

Ensure all electrical items work and put fresh batteries in the TV remote (if your guest room has one). Check the clock is accurate too and that doors, blinds and curtains close properly.

Stock up on essentials

Make sure you’re fully stocked up on essentials, leave fresh towels on their bed and supply some toiletries.

Provide drinks and snacks

Consider leaving at least two bottles of water for your guests as well as tea and coffee facilities. You could also leave a few snacks; a small packet or biscuits, crisps or some fresh fruit. Just a little something to help your guest unwind.

Add some simple but effective luxuries

By slippers and a robe, it will make your guests stay that little bit more comfortable. It’s a thoughtful gesture if nothing else. Check out The Towel Shop for some comfy and cosy bedtime attire.

Attend to your guests age

If people of all ages will be staying in your guest room make sure you accommodate for them all. Guests will feel most at home if you have given a thought to their individual need. Adults may appreciate a stack of magazines or books whereas young children might like a stuffed animal on their bed or a toy.

Keep the décor simple

Try and avoid over decorating your guest bedroom. You want it comfortable and welcoming but not so full that the guests have nowhere to put their own things. If you have only one guest bedroom, try twin beds over a double; that way friends, children or couples can stay in the room. A bedside table from Ikea would be good so that your guests have a place for an alarm clock or their personal items.



Home Improvement

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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