Engraved Gift Ideas for 5 Year Anniversary

So many ideas have been going through my mind about what to get Del for our five year anniversary that is coming up on May 21st. I can’t believe it’s been five years that we’ve been married. I don’t believe I’ll make it to give him the gift that I wanted to give him which was a skinnier me, but he isn’t objecting. I have to come up with more anniversary gifts to get him.

I have a thing about getting him gifts with special messages on them. I’ve given him a hat every Father’s Day now with some type of message on it. One of them had “Incredible Gru” which is our family nickname for him. I also gave him a hat with the “King of Video Games” on it because he hasn’t come across any game that he can’t beat within a short period of time.

However, this anniversary is our first milestone as a married couple. To me engraved gifts add that special touch and meaning to the gift. Del jokes with me all the time about the things I get for him with special messages. He has become so use to getting them that now he looks for the special messages.

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I was thinking this pocket watch with the engraving “There is never enough time to spend with you.” I know it probably sounds cheesy. There honestly never is enough time with him. Even though he works and goes to college from home, we still barely get time together as a couple. We have tried to carve out time together at least one night a week, but with the kids it’s still extremely hard to have it.

He deserves so much for being married to me and dealing with all of the fussing I do. I do declare I gripe at least once a day about something!! I think I tried to not fuss one day for an entire day.

Towards the end of it Del looked at me and flat out asked me,”What do you want so bad?”

I told him, “Nothing.”

He replied back, “I don’t believe you. You’ve been sweet and nice all day long.”

I looked at him totally funny and with my most innocent look I could give him. He looked back at me like I wasn’t getting away with anything. I just laughed and went back out the room.

I have tried it again only to gain the same response from him. I guess I’m a natural at being a fussy wife. I honestly am appreciative of all he does for me and our family. He is truly a remarkable husband and father. He would hand me the moon and the stars if he thought it would make me happy. I do declare he wakes up everyday with it as his personal mission to make me the happiest wife there is on Earth.

Most days he does go above and beyond at doing that. I feel so utterly blessed to have him as my husband. I can’t wait to celebrate our five year anniversary. I think I may even have to invest in some champagne gifts as well to toast to how wonderful he has made my life these past five years.

What gift suggestions do you have for me to consider??




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

2 comments on “Engraved Gift Ideas for 5 Year Anniversary”

  1. Happy 5 year anniversary in advance! “I do declare he wakes up everyday with it as his personal mission to make me the happiest wife there is on Earth.” I’ve got one of those too! 🙂


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