Earn Money Writing for a Living

If you are creative and pay attention to details, then writing could be a way for you to earn money. There are companies online to work for, or you can write for yourself, publishing the stories and articles that you create.

Daniel Handler is an example of someone who has delved into reading and writing, and there are various ways that you can get started in the field as well. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before you publish your first piece. It’s best to start small until you figure out how to write professionally. One idea is to take an English or writing class at a community college so that you can brush up on your grammar and sentence structure. After you have the basics of writing down, you can decide how you want to use your skills.

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If you like talking to people, then consider starting a blog or working for someone who has a blog that you can update. This is something easy to do as you will write like you are talking to someone else. You can give details about topics ranging from raising children to who might run for President. The possibilities are endless, and you can answer questions if someone asks them.

Another avenue to take is writing for a newspaper or magazine. Handler and others have reached beyond the small town, and that’s something that would be ideal if you want your name seen in a big city. Start by contacting the local newspaper to see if you can write a few guest pieces to see how they are received by the public. If others like what you have to say, then you might find yourself on a weekly or daily spot in the paper.

Search for companies online. There are numerous clients who need articles written for online magazines, blogs and other areas where your opinion will count and where others can see your voice of reason. Some of the jobs that you find online can lead to larger writing assignments if you show that you know how to write as the client wants.

Which route of earning money for writing have you taken? 



Life Advice

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

8 comments on “Earn Money Writing for a Living”

    • It can be done. It requires having the right connections and also knowing where to go online. I’ve been doing it for the past three years now.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  1. hi, i would actually love to do this, especially since there is compensation, but i don’t have the support from husband…i also have a special needs son who garners a lot of my time. you are blessed to be supported and thanks for the article.

    • Without support, from your spouse that does make it hard to work from home especially in your given situation. I have three kids that we homeschool, but my husband supports me a lot.
      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

    • I’m glad you found these tips beneficial. Be sure to check out my #TidbitsThursday blogging tips page for more ideas.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

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