We were given the chance to review CTC Math in exchange for an honest blog review, but I assure you that in no way shaped our opinion of this program.

CTC Math is a program that is designed to make it easier for kids (and adults really) to learn math from grades Kindergarten Math all the way through to 12th grade Trigonometry from the comfort of someone’s home online at your own pace. This is a program that is available 24/7 provided you have an Internet connection.
This 12 Month Family Plan program allows for the student to go through a series of video lessons that last around 4-9 minutes long that the students can stop and play as often as needed until they learn the concepts. At the end of each lesson there is the button to click for lesson summary. Then the student can take tests to review the information they’ve learned. The students also have the chance to take speed tests to see how quickly they can answer the questions.
One of the aspects that I like about this program is that I can print out worksheets for the boys to do along the way. I can also print out documents of solved problems to give them visuals of how they were supposed to obtain their answers. This comes in handy when they are struggling to find out what they did wrong with solving a math problem.

Jimmy stated that he really liked this program. He found it to be easy to use and do. He didn’t need me to explain to him how to maneuver around on the website. (I found this to be a great concept when I think about how many people who are not technical savvy.) When I tell him what grade to go to and what subject to spend his time on, he can easily locate it. He loved the fact that he was able to test his math skills against a clock. He also enjoyed being able to earn medals.
His biggest complaint though was there wasn’t anything FUN to do after he conquered something. We’ve been spoiled with the fact that a vast majority of the online math learning programs out there he gets to play some type of game or build something for his efforts. So for him, he was disappointed to see that all he got was an award for his time and effort.
Now as ‘old school’ parent, I felt that the award system was actually enough of an award for his efforts. I feel that in the real world, he’s not going to be given some grand prize or game time for working hard. (Unless of course, he learns the value of saving his nickels and dimes, which ironically this program teaches him about money, then he can buy those games.) I expressed that fact to him after he mentioned that. Which in turn lead to an interesting heart felt conversation, and it was another learning point for him.
CTC Math is actually cheaper than what it would cost to get a real live tutor (which would mean interruptions in EVERYONE’s schedule in your home.) You can obtain CTC Math for $29.97 a month for one student/$39.97 for two or more students with payments being recurring monthly, but you can cancel it at any time. You can also gain a 6 month membership for $127 for one student/$197 for two or more students. You can even take advantage of the annual membership for $197 for one student/$297 for two or more students. Now if you are a fellow homeschooling family, you do receive a 60% discount by clicking here for a short period of time, which makes it only $118.80 for a 12 month family plan.
I would recommend this program for anyone who is struggling or even wanting to brush up on their math skills. It is very user friendly and the lessons are short enough that they can be done in a timely manner. Despite the simplicity of this program, I have to say it works wonders.
You can gain more information about CTC Math by visiting their website. You can also connect with them on Facebook or Facebook Aus .
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