Confessions of a Boy-Crazy Girl: On Her Journey From Neediness to Freedom Review

I was given the book Confessions of A Boy-Crazy Girl in exchange for an honest blog review and giveaway promotion. That in no way shaped my opinion of this book. 

I honestly and truly could have written a book very similar to Confessions of a Boy-Crazy Girl: On Her Journey From Neediness to Freedomir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00BV0FKAS. I was a totally utterly boy-crazy girl growing up. For me it started when I was in 1st grade. I can remember my very first crushes. It was Ben and Brad Brooks and Scott Cooper, those three boys were the center of my attention the entire time I was in class. With those first crushes, my life became all about boys and men, and the spiral cycle has never stopped.

I’m still co-dependent when it comes to Del far more than I should be. I should be co-dependent on God and his almighty power far more than I am!! That’s why reading this book was/is a blessing for me. This author was literally to speaking to me throughout the entire thing. I felt like I was having coffee with someone who’s been there done that, and is helping me to overcome an issue that is near and dear to my heart.

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If you have ever had any dose of boy craziness in you, then you need to read this book. If you find that you HAVE to be in a relationship of some kind then you’re definitely someone who can benefit from everything this author has put together to teach you.

If you can buy it on Amazonir?t=tidbitofexp 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00BV0FKAS. You can also gain more information on the author’s website. You can also connect with Paula Hendricks on Twitter and Facebook.

Were you boy-crazy growing up?  



Book Reviews, Entertainment

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

14 comments on “Confessions of a Boy-Crazy Girl: On Her Journey From Neediness to Freedom Review”

    • You sure did take me back with the Trapper Keepers and puffy heart stickers comment. I was the worse of the worse. Guys and men were treated like candy (quite literally) for me.

  1. yes I was boy crazy but with 4 brothers and being the only girl I did not get to have that much fun. lol

    • Oh no, you were probably overly sheltered for sure. I have a feeling my daughter is going to be the same way since she has two older brothers and two older cousins to look out after her. I promise you that you didn’t miss much!

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