Changes I do Love



There are some changes in life that I do love and enjoy taking place. Watching my kids grow up and become “little people” is definitely one of them. I am NOT a mother who enjoys the baby stage one bit. I do declare I’ll be my in-laws and avoid the baby stage with a plaque when my kids have my grand kids. I will not miss the constant crying, the yanking on my arms and legs to get me to hold her when I’m trying to get other things done, and having to change diapers. I know I’m going to hear so many of you say that I’ll miss it, but I have yet to miss that baby stage with all three of my kids that I’ve gone through it with!!


Zeva is finally entering the stage that it starts getting fun for me to be a parent. Last night she put her own toys away (of course, we turned it into a game, but the point is she learned how to do it.) She literally wiped her hands back and forth and grinned from ear to ear when it was all done. I have yet to figure out where my kids have learned to do that, but they all do it. She would much rather walk than be carried around now, and yes, it may slow us ALL down a snail’s pace because she still takes really itsy, bitsy, tiny baby steps, but it’s so worth it to give her that sense of independence. Even Del who is not one to want to be slowed down will honor her request. Of course, Zeva has him wrapped around his fingers. (Everyone says I have him wrapped around my fingers too, but I think are fingers are totally entwined together that it’s hard to tell who is wrapped around whom.)

I have always been a lover of watching the change in seasons. However, it doesn’t seem to be happening much this year around here. The leaves are not falling like they normally do. Some have fallen, but not like normal. We’re still able to pretty much walk around in light sweaters instead of having to pull out our big thick jackets, gloves, and hats everyday. I miss seeing the changes. It actually concerns me that we’re not seeing those normal changes because I do believe in Global Warming. That is one topic that has always fascinated me.

Another change that I’m super excited about is the fact that I changed from Blogger to WordPress. Since I’ve made that change I’ve learned far more than I did in the entire year that I was blogging on Blogger. I’ve gained far more from my life as a blogger as well. There is still so much that I have yet to dab into that was given to me when I took advantage of Momwebs package, and I am confident that once I get the chance to spend time on it that I will only grow even more as a blogger. If your thinking about changing from Blogger to WordPress, I highly suggest you take advantage of this deal….I PROMISE you that you WON’T regret it!!!



blog week january 2013 mediumSince I’ve made that investment, I’ve truly made back three times as much from doing it as a result!! This is not a marketing pitch, this is a friend giving another friend a gentle push to do something worth while for themselves. 😉

There are so many other changes that have been things that I am enjoying. However, we’d be here far longer than I’m sure you have to spend. 🙂 So even though, I fear change there are times it’s a good thing.


Do you have changes that you want to share with us??




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

2 comments on “Changes I do Love”

  1. The baby stage wasn’t easy for me, either, and I was SOOOO excited when my youngest was potty trained, etc, and I could do more with both of my boys. But now that they are 5 & 8, I am sad because I don’t want them to get any older.

    • Our kids are very close in age. I also have a 5 year old and an 9 year old both boys as well. 🙂 I love them at the 4 and 5 year old stage. My 9 year old thinks he’s a preteen to much. 😉

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