Calling All Parents or Caretakers of Kids…

Since I’m the mother of three kids who are all the time hurting themselves in some fashion or another I am pleased to present to you a couple of products that are definitely a huge hit with our family of now six (yes, our puppy is part of the family.) Easy Access Bandages allows for easy access to bandages in order to cut down on time needed to apply bandage to a wound. Anyone who has ever dealt with a squirming child when they’ve been hurt knows how valuable of an asset this trait can be. I love the fact when you get a box of 30 they are divided up into packs of 15 which makes it easier for carrying in your purse (or whatever carrying device you may use.) No more having to worry about losing a bunch of band aides because they have fallen out.

Plus these bandages are comfortable to wear. I’m currently wearing one as I’m writing this to confirm how they feel. They definitely feel like they keep the air out along with other types of bacteria. So, I imagine it would lead to quicker healing time as well.

Easy Access Bandages OrangeIMG 0261
You can get this from Walmart for $2.97. You can use the below coupon to save $1.00 off of a package. 🙂
I also had the pleasure of checking out their Adventure Medical kit as well. Let me tell you, it is a wonderful idea. They have everything broken down into categories based on what you need and when you need it.
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This is a nice gift for a parent, camper, or anyone who is always on the go with their family. I love the fact that everything is within reach. It’s not just your STANDARD first aid kit. It goes a step further.
Note: I was given these products to review free of charge. In no way, did that change my opinion concerning the products themselves.



Product Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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