A Letter to My Future Self

I stole this idea from Signed, Sealed, Delivered’s episode last night. It’s a really great one to watch, so if you missed be sure to check it out when you can.

Dear Crystal,

By now you are preparing for your 44th birthday. I hope that you have made up for the ten years you lost during your twenties. I know the 30’s were a bit better for you at least until you turned 34. The question is did you reach the goals you set out for yourself that you made when you were 34.

Did you become the better mother? Loving them the way that God loves you is never easy. Showering kids with grace and patience when they are driving you batty is almost impossible to do. However, now you realize how quickly time goes by and they grow up so fast. Jimmy is twenty years old now. Hopefully, he too, made wise decisions during the past ten years. Did he go into the Air Force like he planned since he was old enough to talk?

Did you capture more pictures so that you didn’t miss out on watching them grow up? I know you already took pictures pretty often, but did you take more of the not so perfect moments. Did you remember to take pictures of Delbert’s handwriting and drawings on the kitchen wall before you painted it? Did you take pictures of all the different homes and forts the boys made while they were playing outside before they got too old to do it anymore?

Did you take the time to take Momma up on her quilting and sewing lessons before it was too late? I know how much you longed to learn it, but yet was afraid at the same time because you knew you were learning from someone who was extremely skilled at doing it. I know you hated looking like an idiot trying new things. Yet, it’s a skill that can be passed from generation to generation. Plus you do have an inner crafty side to you. You envision dresses and quilts of your own all the time, but you don’t know how to put it in material form even though you long to do it. If it’s not too late, you better jump on the chance. You’ve wasted an hour of a day doing other things, you can make an hour to go learn from her. She longs to do it as much as you long for it.

Did you SHOW and I mean REALLY SHOW Del how much he means to you? Did you do more little things for him? Were you more understanding of the pain he’s enduring? Did you listen more and talk less? Did you praise him for the things he’s done right or did you tear him down by gripe about things he can’t really change right now?

Did you ever write the book that has been on your heart since you were a teenager? If not, what are you waiting for? You know it is something that make a difference in at least one person’s life, if not many. God is pushing you do that! Stop ignoring his request.

Most importantly, did you live each day to the fullest? Did you pray to God to guide you each day before your feet hit the ground? Did you make sure that you built your relationship with him more each day? Did you share his message at least once with somebody?

If you didn’t achieve these things and you’re still alive then I suggest you do as many things on this list as you can.

[tbpquotable]There is no time like today.[/tbpquotable]

Today is Memorial Day, and it reminds me that we may not be blessed with a tomorrow to do the things we want with those we love.





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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

2 comments on “A Letter to My Future Self”

  1. My husband and I have been working to make this true. Spending more time doing what needs to be done, rather than letting it go so we can spend those extra precious moments with our children at night and on weekends. Thank you for the reminder that life is short and for linking up with Turn it Up Tuesday!


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