5 Steps to Romantic Fine Dining at Home

This is the time for people to attend many weddings, but often times our anniversaries seem to be overlooked.  While we all love to eat out there are times, perhaps when we need to stick to a budget when that just isn’t possible. However, you can still enjoy a romantic date night for your anniversary in the comfort of your own home, by following these simple steps. Now you can savor your anniversary with a romantic fine dining at home.

Step 1: Setting

Even if you have a tiny flat you can create the ambiance for a romantic meal. Low lighting is a vital element, so use lamps, fairy lights, and candles, to soften the glow. When you set the table use a pretty tablecloth. Choose your best cutlery, crockery, and glasses and even if it’s not all matching, the dim lighting will hide a multitude of sins. Lastly, decorate the dining room furniture with a few nice flowers and you are all set.

Step 2: Food and Drink

Delicious food is going to be vital for making the evening a success. Invest in high-quality grass fed meat from the Good Grub People and accompany this with fresh vegetables from a local farmer’s market. For dessert, a scrumptious bowl of ice-cream is perfect.

A cheeky cocktail or two and a nice bottle of red or white wine to share should round the evening off nicely. When you are cooking at home, simplicity needs to be your watchword.


Step 3: Timing is Everything

The reason that it’s best to keep things simple comes down to timing. You don’t want to be running around cooking a multitude of courses, you want to be able to sit down, relax and enjoy the evening as much as your guest does.

The more preparation you can do ahead of the meal the better, so prepare your vegetables and any sauces. Get any ingredients together you need for your cocktails and mix one up ready for when your date arrives. That bottle of white should be chilling in the fridge or the red should be breathing at room temperature.

Step 4: Dress Up!

This is a special occasion, so make sure that you are dressed appropriately. An evening dress and heels for the ladies or a nice casual suit for the gentlemen fits the bill perfectly. Take time to get ready and it will feel much more like a date.

Step 5: Enjoy!

You have created a beautiful setting, cooked some delicious food and you are dining with your ideal companion, the only thing left to do is to enjoy yourself. You can have a glass or two of wine because you don’t have to worry about getting home safely, you are home. At the end of the evening, you can leave the dishes piled high in the sink and think about them in the morning.

There’s a lot to be said for dining out, but once in a while, it’s nice to spend some time at home. Follow these five steps and you will soon be such an expert that you will want to turn it into a weekly event.

How do you create an anniversary  romantic fine dining  at home?




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

8 comments on “5 Steps to Romantic Fine Dining at Home”

  1. This is a great post – we did this when our kids were small. This is also great for people with food sensitivities for whom going out is a huge hassle! Great ideas 🙂 #HomeMattersParty


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