5 Awesome Ways to Completely Revamp Your Home This Holiday Season

Over the holiday season, DIY and decorating are probably the farthest things from your mind. You are likely to be preoccupied with gift buying, preparation of Christmas dinner and drinking copious amounts of mulled wine.

Indeed, your home may require a touch up, but maybe it didn’t occur to you to do it over the festive period. With renovations and DIY it is easier to leave the work until the warmer months when the weather is kinder.

However there is no reason why you can’t do any internal DIY and decorating jobs over Christmas holidays. This might provide you with something to do on the days you aren’t preoccupied with Christmas preparations. This will also free up time in the Spring and Summer for you to get the important DIY, renovation or refurbishment jobs done.

Here are five top tips that you can use to help give your home a completely new look this holiday time:

1. Repaint

The impact and influence of a new paint job shouldn’t be underestimated. A brand new lick of paint can have an amazing effect on a room, and even on a property itself. If your rooms are looking a little tired and old then it might be time to think about revamping and restyling them.

You can easily add some character and personality to a room by giving it a new paint job and injecting some colour. Favouring brighter colours such as mahogany, cream, light blue or lemon will make the room appear brighter and larger.

2. Change Furnishings

You might decide that you want to go a step further and actually start rearranging some of the furnishings in your home. New curtains can certainly help as long as you make sure they blend in with the aesthetic of the room. You may even think about replacing your furniture, such as sofa and coffee table for a more modern, trendy look. This will ensure your home will have a fresh, new look when the new year comes rolling in.

3. Lighting

A change of lighting can make your home appear much brighter, fresher and more vivid. Get rid of you hanging light bulbs and shades and replace them with spotlights for a sleeker look.

These will also brighten the rooms considerably and make your home more inviting. New lighting will also fit in very well with the new paint job. You can use colours that you know will look good under bright lights.

4. En-Suite

If you are feeling particularly adventurous, you might be inclined to take on a more ambitious project over the holidays. You might decide that you want to add an en-suite bathroom to your master bedroom.

This is an exciting project to undertake and will completely transform the appeal and practicality of your home. En-suite’s are also a great future investment as they add considerable value to your home.

5. The Garden

This may not seem like an ideal tip for this time of year, but if you wanted to get really creative then you could do some work in the garden. Unlike books, homes are judged on appearance and the garden is one of the first things anyone will see.

Simple garden maintenance such as keeping the lawn trimmed, sweeping up leaves, trimming back hedges and planting flowers can make such a difference. Of course, you may decide to leave this part until the warmer weather arrives, but there is no reason you can’t start now.

What are some ways you revamp your home for the holiday season? 



Home Improvement

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

24 comments on “5 Awesome Ways to Completely Revamp Your Home This Holiday Season”

    • Moving furniture is something that happens all the time in our house. It amazes me how much of a difference it makes in our mood in the house.

  1. We are hosting a huge family gathering for Thanksgiving this year, and we’ve already started moving furniture around and sprucing things up to get ready. Great tips, Crystal!

    • That sounds like a lot of fun. I wish my family was close enough to do that.

      Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  2. I’m not being too adventurous, but I have purchased new pillow covers for the sofa that will go with the area rug we use in the winter to keep our toes warm. It’s a surprise I’ll bring out one day while my husband’s at work. Just a little thing, but it’s what our budget can afford, and it’ll be something new to enjoy.

    I can’t believer Christmas will be here so soon already!

    • Trust me when I say I understand having budget constraints. Del makes a lot of things from pallets and I truly love them. I think we all have the ability to make those little changes that make all the difference with the amount of funds we have.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  3. Can’t wait to own a house so I can make it my own like you’re describing! We’re in a transitional season of life right now, but looking forward to more permanence someday!

    • I hope you get the permanence place soon, but I’m confident wherever you live now have your own special touches to it in some form or fashion. I bet they look great too.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

    • That sounds like a lot of fun. I would love to see pictures if you want to share them??

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

    • Sounds like a great undertaking, but one well worth doing.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

  4. I love these tips Crystal. I moved into my home in January so I don’t need to do any revamping yet. All I need to do is decorate for the holiday. #ProductReviewParty

  5. These are some great tips. I haven’t even been in my new place for a month though so luckily there is no revamping that needs to be done yet. I’m still trying to unpack lol. #ProductReviewParty

    • Glad you like it. I’d love to see yours if you do it. 😉

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I hope to see you again soon.

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