2015 Winter Biannual Blogathon Is ON

If you’ve been following me at all since I’ve started blogging then you know I am a HUGE fan of the Biannual Blogathon events. I always manage to get a good bit done during these events. I also make a lot of new blogging friends. Plus I usually learn a good bit to boot.

This year’s Biannual Blogathon events starts at 8AM on January 23, 2015 and lasts until January 26th, 2015 at 8AM. It’s for ALL types of bloggers!! It doesn’t matter what kind of blogger you are, I’m willing to bank you’ll find something to benefit you during this event. Plus there are prizes available that bloggers will want to have.

There are mini challenges which teach you how to do things like Rebranding Your Blog, Writing Professional Emails, and How to Create and Run a Facebook Group for Bloggers and more. Plus you can check out past mini challenges to do too. All of these challenges help you grow as a blogger, but we often don’t take the time to do them. This is an excellent way to feel motivated and energized to get them done. Plus you have fellow bloggers working on the same things so you can ask questions if you get stuck doing them in the Biannual Blogathon Facebook group. The best part is you also get to earn chances to win some of those fabulous prizes after you finish these challenges.

There are six Twitter parties too throughout the event to talk about some pretty important topics too. On Friday the parties are 1Pm & 9PM, Saturday 2PM & 9PM, and Sunday 2PM & 9PM. Of course, all throughout the blogathon you can chat using the hashtag #Blogathon2. The Twitter parties also give you a chance to win some prizes too.

I’m not quite sure what things I’m going to tackle during this blogathon event.I do know that I’ve had this marked on my calendar ever since the announcement was made with the new dates. I have told my husband that it’s all about blogging this weekend too.

Have I convinced you yet to join me in this blogathon event? If so, go sign up for the Biannual Blogathon NOW!

P.S. If you’re looking for some little tidbits of blogging tips be sure to check out my #TidbitsThursday Blogging Tips page.




Photo of author


I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

18 comments on “2015 Winter Biannual Blogathon Is ON”

  1. Hope you can get everything done that you want to. I’m not sure what I want to accomplish yet this weekend either. I have a few things on my to-do-list, but they are just normal everyday blogging things. We shall see what happens.
    Have a great weekend!

    • Ashley,
      I’m so glad that you stopped by. I have done a few blogathons where I’ve just tackled projects that I normally don’t have time to do that have been on my to-do list. I’ve found just knowing that I had fellow bloggers working just as hard as I was made a positive difference.

  2. Crystal, I am ALWAYS happy to see you at this event! Please stop by and share your goals with us at Create With Joy so that we can stay in touch and support one another this weekend! I look forward to chatting with you at the upcoming Twitter parties! 🙂

    • I look forward to chatting with you at the Twitter parties too. I’m so glad we’re a part of this together again. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

  3. Don’t worry about not knowing what you want/need to do! I didn’t figure out what I needed to do and what needed to get done until yesterday! Once that happened, I spent the better part of the afternoon making lists! I still don’t know if that’s all that needs to get done.

    • Angela,

      I’m always unsure what I’m going to conquer on these events. I LOVE them and I always end up feeling inspired and on fire for my blog the whole weekend and for a while beyond that. I have a long list of things I want to do, and that doesn’t even include the mini challenges yet. 🙂 So glad you came by and commented.

  4. I have also made it clear to my husband that this weekend I am booked. He is ok with it though since he is taking the extra time and sleeping/watching TV. He works double shifts this weekend so I am free to do as I please. I love the Blogathon. I hope you get lots accomplished!

    • April,

      My husband supports the blogathon a lot. He tries to take the kids off of me as much as possible during the blogathon weekends. I do tend to get a lot done during them.

    • They have two times a year. Maybe you can make the next one. It is a lot of fun and I always meet wonderful bloggers and learn something new.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

  5. Hi there! I’m new to the blogathon. I haven’t gotten too much done – yet – but I have all weekend. I just finished the first twitter chat, that was fun.

    • It was fun getting to know you in that party for sure. There is always something to do when it comes to blogging that’s for sure. I love these challenges because they are usually things I don’t think to do or haven’t done.

      I’m so glad you stopped by and commented. I hope you’re enjoying more of the blogathon.

    • I always find something fun to do on the blogathon events. When I wrote this post a lot of the challenges weren’t up yet. I love interacting with all the fellow bloggers from the events too.

  6. I hope to get lots done this weekend so I also told my husband to find something to do 😉 My goals are to write lots of posts and figure out how to get a following. I am looking forward to talking with other bloggers. Thank you for your support of such a great blogger event.

    • You’re more than welcome for the support. I’m glad that you stopped by my blog and commented too. We have similar stories in our life. I originally planned on sharing my abuse stories in hope of helping others when I started this blog, but as you can see it went into a totally different direction than I had planned.

    • I count town to the blogathon events every year. It’s so much fun! I learn something new and I always meet wonderful bloggers.

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