$200 Amazon Gift Card Holiday Giveaway!

Christmas is my favorite time of year. The light, the decorations, the fantastic food, and of course… spending time with family. Unfortunately gifts and food get expensive pretty fast –
especially for a family like ours – so in the spirit of giving back to you wonderful readers, I’ve decided to host a little giveaway.

Christmas presents under the tree

It’s hardly original, but I’m giving away a $200 Amazon Gift Card to the person that leaves us the best comment. What kind of comment, you ask?

Tell us all about your perfect Christmas!

Are you spending time at home with your close friends and family, eating a delicious ham? Maybe you prefer sitting on the beach for a sunny, exotic Christmas instead?

Whatever your Christmas fantasy, tell us about it in detail below and don’t forget to use your real email address so we can contact the winner!

This contest closes on December 19th, 2017, at 11:59 PM EST.

(Note: this is only open to readers in the continental United States)




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

51 comments on “$200 Amazon Gift Card Holiday Giveaway!”

  1. I’d love to spend Christmas tucked away in a cozy cabin or country cottage with my family, surrounded by trees and snow, with the interior lit entirely by string lights and fire in the fireplace.

  2. In my fantasy…

    The presents are purchased (on sale!) weeks or months ahead. Yes, all of them, for everyone (including stocking stuffers). The children have made a few items for one another and wrapped them nicely and put them under the tree. Oh, did I forget to mention wrapping before? Because ALL the wrapping would *definitely* be completed before bedtime. In the fridge is a few make ahead breakfast dishes and treats ready to pop into the oven at just the right time. After a short time of opening presents (which are all appreciated and just right), we spend the rest of the day enjoying family, friends, and good food, and magically there are no dishes to wash. Amen.

    (Reality replaces the timeline and polish of several of those things, but the joy and togetherness is still there. So maybe it’s okay if I don’t get my “polished edges” fantasy)

  3. My perfect Christmas would be to just get away with my husband and two teen boys. Every year we either stay home and visit with his family or we travel to visit mine. Even though both of them are enjoyable I would like to be selfish and just enjoy my immediate family. I love Christmas so I would like to go somewhere that is decorated for Christmas rather than somewhere like a beach. I would love it if it were some where where meals were included so I could just relax. Most of all, I would just like the together time.

  4. Sharing joy with those I love
    ‘Round a Christmas tree,
    Happy with gifts received,
    But, much more than this, you see,
    In this-my Xmas fantasy…
    Tied to this joy unspoiled
    Would be PEACE throughout the world.

  5. My perfect Christmas this year would be just one phone call telling me my brother is getting a new kidney.

  6. The perfect Christmas would be with all of the family together, and opening and receiving gifts under the Christmas tree. Festive music would be playing in the background, and family would be wearing ugly sweaters and joking with each other. We would have an awesome meal at the table with lots of food, and drink some eggnog too. It would be perfect if it were snowing as well, but that isn’t likely here in NC. I’d get a few surprise gifts coming my way and the family would be happy with the gifts I gave them. We would talk about stories from the past and reminisce about past holidays together. We might drive around too to see the festive lights in the area and see all the Christmas lights. Thanks for the opportunity!

  7. My perfect Christmas would be spending it with my grandma! I’ve never spent one with her. I’ve lost my other 3 grandparents in the last 2 years, so I’m really holding onto her!

  8. My Christmas fantasy is one Christmas all together. I met the love of my life one year after my dad passed. I never was able to meet his grandparents, who he was very close to. He never met my beloved grandpa, although he talked to him on the phone. We tell each other stories about our past and at times I feel like I was there in his memories, and he in mine. But it sure would be amazing to have one big family meal.

  9. it would be to have a wonderful dinner cooked with all the sides and desserts, decorations and tree,,all the family there,, especially the family from overseas who i dont see,,that would be the best..

  10. My ultimate Christmas would be a trip to London, Scotland and finally Switzerland. I have always wanted to see the Alps and of course Swiss chocolate is heavenly! My husband told me about his trip there and it sounds beautiful! We have family in Scotland I have never met and I would love to see Big Ben and Buckingham Palace in London!

  11. My perfect Christmas would be: spending quality time with family, I would love for all of us to be together. Normally we spend time in town, since majority of us are local. I would love for us to travel more. I’ve always dreamed of spending the holidays at the Beach, renting out a condo. Would be nice to wake up to the morning sunset by the beach on Christmas morning. Lovely views. Having a fire and spending tons of time sharing gifts, and stories with loved ones 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!

  12. I almost don’t mind where it happened what we do or what we eat, but my Christmas dream is to have all of together in the same placer at the same time. Because we are scattered across different states and cities, we rarely all get together any more.

  13. I would spend my perfect Christmas in a rustic cabin in Vermont! It would start with a bright, beautiful morning, with cinnamon rolls and piping hot coffee by the tree. My guests would arrive in the afternoon, just as soft snow begins to fall. I love to cook for people, so I’d have all my friends and family over for an evening of delicious treats and tipples. Once everyone retires for the night, I would curl up on the couch with a mug of cocoa to watch my two must-view Christmas movies: “It’s a Wonderful Life” and “The Muppet Christmas Carol”!

  14. Our favorite part of Christmas each year is Christmas Mass… our six kids all get dressed up- their dad goes to hold a pew a church and we arrive just in the nick of time – the priest gives us the stinkeye for being late (again) – our family fills up an entire pew and they spend the mass both being reverent and singing as loud as they can.

    My Christmas fantasy is for me, my husband and my blended family with six teenagers to have a peaceful and drama free Christmas. I work very hard to get them all the same presents each year so there will be no jealousy and/or stomping off to bedrooms in the middle of opening presents. Fingers crossed.

  15. My Christmas fantasy (since we’re fantasizing here) is to actually be a kid again. Growing up, our Christmases weren’t fancy and I certainly didn’t get a ton of expensive presents, but the sheer anticipation of Christmas morning was incredible. I LOVED everything about Christmas and when I was a kid it was the BEST day of the year. I wish I felt that way again.

  16. The perfect Christmas for me would be finally being content with myself and knowing that I am enough i have been on and off diets the whole year. Also to just spend more time thanking god that I have my family by my side

  17. mine is seeing my dad and brother and sisters i met them only once and that would make me feel whole its like something i always missing feeling am i doing everything ok so im loved i just want to be happy

  18. My Christmas fantasy is to wake up knowing that every child has a gift waiting for them from Santa, regardless of their home environment or household income. To know that, as I enjoy a meal with my family, no living being goes hungry, Christmas day or any other day. My fantasy is to believe, if only for this one magical day, that all is well with the world, and that the possibility for peace really does exist. Merry Christmas and God Bless you and yours.

  19. My Fantasy would be I would have the money to get presents that I normally could not afford for my family. Also, the best Christmas dinner with everything you could imagine to have to eat. No cooking, please.

  20. My perfect Christmas would be in Hawaii with my husband kids, grandkids and sisters and brother all their families and my Mommy. Would be lovely to enjoy the holidays in a warm climate as we’ve always been in the cold during the holidays

  21. My perfect Christmas would be with immediate family in a log cabin in the snowy woods. With an icy pond to skate on and hot cocoa, a fire, and a huge tree inside.

  22. My perfect Christmas would be spent with my mom (she has passed away) baking cookies and drinking coffee laughing and talking. Presents would not be needed because she would be my present.

  23. My perfect Christmas would be waking up to the feeling of the magic lingering in the air from the nostalgia of my childhood. It’s looking out the window and imagining (or on VERY rare occasions) actually having snow lightly dust the front of the lawn. Fairy lights would decorate the house, illuminating the pathway until I rush downstairs to find my family content and happy, both parents cooking in the kitchen, while the dog and cat play together as usual. A gift from Santa would be waiting by the fireplace, and I’d (im)patiently wait, eager to open the gift. Eventually, after blasting “All I want for Christmas is You” on the speakers for what seems like an endless eternity (and of course getting it to the top of the music charts), we’d all curl up around the fireplace and I’d be able to experience the magic of Santa, just as I wish now for all of the children in the world who are growing up without that feeling of joy in the air.

  24. I’ve always ALWAYS wanted to spend Christmas in Copenhagen 🙂 BUT it will never happen lol because Christmas for me is being with my family. The whole crazy bunch! Its the best and I wouldn’t trade Copenhagen for them.

  25. I’d love to spend Christmas morning with my family and opening presents. And then I’d like to give back by going to the city and feeding the homeless

  26. My christmas fantasy would be to spend it in a gorgeous cabin, the snowy mountains of Colorado. I’d have my family there, and there would be christmas music, lights, and we would cut down a tree to decorate. There’d be fresh baked treats and plenty of eggnog and hot cocoa! Lastly, a beautiful fireplace to gather around to talk and warm up.

  27. My perfect Christmas is this year’s. I was diagnosed stage 3c ovarian cancer November 11 2016. Chemo ended in April and an MRI scan in Septemeber said I was still cancer free. Last year was the worst Christmas for all of us so we are very excited to be together this year. You really have to learn, sometimes the hard way, how to appreciate every day you get.

  28. My perfect Christmas would be for my best friend and I to go to Wisconsin Dells together with our families. We haven’t spent a holiday together in years now because she moved to a different state and we always talk about spending a Christmas in Wisconsin Dells since it’s always been her favorite childhood place. Life, the passing of beloved family members, and finances have been the issue, but next year we plan to make it a reality and our families couldn’t be more excited for a much needed vacation. There’s so much you can do there! There are sleigh rides, snowboarding, skiing, and in case we get tired of the snow we can go to the indoor heated waterpark! Just the type of fun we need and definitely deserve. Happy holidays to you and yours

  29. An ideal Christmas for me is to be on vacation from work, with my kids and husband, in the snow. Opening presents and enjoying them throughout the day, playing in the snow, and having an amazing and colorful dinner!

  30. My dream Christmas happens every year! It’s spent with my family on Christmas morning, being silly and spending time together. Then it’s spent with my friends and boyfriend in the afternoon. Finally, my siblings and I travel over to my dads house to celebrate Christmas with him where the snow and ice has miraculously held off until we arrived.

  31. My Perfect Christmas? It would be with my dad who is up in heaven now…..makes me sad.
    There would be lots of food and presents too
    Music and laughter would fill the room
    We’d get big cups of hot chocolate and settle in
    Then let the memories begin
    Story after story my dad would tell
    As I listened carefully so I could remember them well
    I’ll tell those stories to my kids one day
    As I remember my dad who is so far away
    Merry Christmas Dad!

  32. My perfect Christmas would be to treat my husband, daughter, and my parents to a holiday in San Antonio to see the lights on the Riverwalk. My parents have have taken us to many fun places and at some point in my life I would love to return the favor!! To do it during Christmas would be a joy!!

  33. My perfect Christmas is my little one spending the holiday with her daddy in California this year. She hasn’t seen him in over three months and it will truly make me happy.

  34. I would love to be able to go to an exotic island with my husband and sons for the holiday. No cooking. No cleaning. Just pure fun.

  35. My perfect Christmas morning would be waking up next to a friend, in my parent’s house with me. Then getting up Christmas morning to celebrate it with my parents, 3 children, and my friend’s granddaughter. I would also love to have my little sister there with her girlfriend and her girlfriend’s children. Oh what a fun Christmas that would be!

  36. My perfect Christmas is sipping hot chocolate with my hubby and pup. I love having family over for brunch and quality time.

  37. I believe I already have the perfect Christmas. I’m one of nine kids, ranging from 12-30, and even as we have all grown up, our Christmas has remained pretty much the same. We all wake up ridiculously early. Our parents make us wait at the tops of the stairs, until they have the video camera ready, and then we all race down into our family room, someone normally falls. We go around opening gifts and then have breakfast together. The rest of the day is spent in our onesie pajamas, watching “It’s A Wonderful Life”, drinking hot coco. Ideally, it’s snowing out. Normally, we would visit my grandmas in our best Christms clothes, but unfortunately they both passed away this year. Still, my Christmas is a day spent with family, laughter, and love, and I couldn’t ask for anything else.

  38. My perfect christmas would be spend sleeping under the christmas tree with my dog licking my face. He would be smiling the whole family would get together and drink mimosas,

  39. My perfect Christmas would be watching how happy my 4 kids are on Christmas morning and just spending a nice day together with them.

  40. I would like my fantasy holiday to be in Halekulani, Honolulu at their beach front spa. The waters are said to be “healing” and the massage technique doesn’t hurt. I want to stay for at least a week and do absolutely nothing but relax and let someone pamper me with massages, skin treatments and every beauty treatment imaginable. It has been a rough year of surgeries for my husband, my parents and I have tried to maintain my strength, sanity and composure through it all. I would love to have some relief and peace. I want to replenish my mind, body and spirit so I can move forwards at 100%; right now I think I am on 30%. I am grateful for family and life; I also realize that I have to take care of me too. A sunset on a terrace sound like a peace of heaven.

  41. My fantasy is to have a well-decorated house that my kids could really enjoy. And also be able to give them one of the best gifts on their list.


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