How simple routines can help alleviate the stresses and struggles of academic life – a 2018 Essay Writing Contest presented by for a chance to win a 500 USD Global Scholarship
Life moves at an incredibly fast pace – blink and you may miss something. Blink, and you may find yourself with an entirely different set of priorities than what you had before. One minute you are wading through a sea of uncertainty as you try to decide what to do with your life, the next minute you are knee-deep in responsibilities and a daily routine that can make anybody’s head spin. But alas, that is how life is; no do-overs, no restarts. Every decision one makes in the present and each action they have done in the past has the capability of creating ripple effects that could potentially affect their future. Education can be a fundamental factor in creating a bright future for someone – to put them in a path that would make the most use of their capabilities and to unlock their potentials. A decent education can hone a person’s creative thinking, reasoning, and provide perspective and planning for the years to come, while at the same time helping mold each student into the path of what they want to be in life. A completed education also provides a person with the credentials they can use to pursue what they want to do in their careers.
Here at TidbitsOfExperience, we understand the gravity of education in helping determine a person’s trajectory in life. We also know however, that finishing one’s studies may prove to be quite a challenge for a student in the form of time constraints, energy, and more importantly, on a financial standpoint. Expenses come in all shapes and sizes when you are studying, and even after graduating the problems surrounding monetary concerns still linger like an ever-present dark cloud in the horizon. From student lodging, food allowance, travel expenses, textbooks for each and every subject that you take, and at most places, the school fees themselves – it can be a tough and uncertain road ahead financially. It can sometimes feel overwhelming for any student from any level of society.
We are proud to open an annual contest with the goal of assisting students with their academic expenses wherever they may be in the world. Write an essay and you may win a 500 USD scholarship for any school of your choice! The challenge we are offering is a simple one. Tell us what simple action or routine you do, when adapted as a part of every student’s daily schedule, can help alleviate the stresses and adversities that plague the student life inside the halls of the academy. Impress us with your idea and your passion for learning, and you just might be selected as the winner of this yearly event! The winner gets 500 USD for the school of their choice, which they can use in that institution for whatever purpose they see fit. The deadline will be the 1st of June annually, with one winner being chosen by our staff on the first week of July.
Interested applicants must be applicable under the following criteria:
Entry Requirements:
- Interested applicants must be between the ages of 15 to 25, and must be currently enrolled in either the High School or College level
- This is a global competition open to all site members, with possible course and school recipients not only being limited to the United States
- Essay entries must be sent to our site before the 1st of June 2018, with the corresponding files sent at
- Students wanting to participate are required to include at least one Letter of Recommendation along with their entry
- All interested students currently under any major or field can apply for the scholarship. To be able to join in the contest however, the student must demonstrate the need for financial assistance in their current studies.
Applications will be judged on the following criteria:
- The ability to portray a level of fortitude on a personal scale
- Showcasing the drive to succeed against current adversity
- Set detailed future goals with realistic ways to achieve them
- Being able to convey past / present hardships and how you overcame them, as well as demonstrating how it helped molding your current outlook in life
- Display a sense of self-motivation when trying to complete coursework
- And most importantly, the ability to encapsulate the necessity for financial assistance in their current situations
Submission Guidelines:
Each entry must be approximately one page in length and can be written in either the Spanish or English language. Essays need to be 500 words or more, and must revolve around the topic of the contest: Discuss what simple action or routine you do that, when adapted as a part of every student’s daily schedule, can help alleviate the stresses of academic life.
Along with the essay, send an application form that includes the following:
- Your name and contact information
- The current school you are attending (recipient of the scholarship) along with their contact information and significant people involved
- A letter of reference written in either Spanish or English
- A paragraph that talks in detail about why you need the scholarship
Deadline for the submission of entries is the 1st of June 2018. Please make sure all necessary paperwork are sent in before then. The scholarship reward recipient will be chosen on the 1st of July 2018, with the funds being delivered to the winner’s school financial aid department. The reward will be sent directly to the school of their choice after establishing and confirming the parties involved. All private and personal information sent to us via this competition will not be shared with anyone for marketing and other commercial purposes. Elements of the essays will not be given, sold, or shared to any party outside the commission delegated in going through the entries and choosing the winner. The winner’s name and/or photo will be displayed and showcased on our website solely for the purposes of promoting this official scholarship competition.
So to our interested site members, good luck and happy writing!