Pretty in White Wedding Ideas

I can’t believe we are headed into wedding season already. I know June is the time of year that we are filled with graduations, but we are also getting bombarded with wedding invites. All of these high school and college graduate students are ready to tie the knot and start their lives together officially. As I mentioned before, I love to plan out weddings a lot. When I envision a wedding, I picture a lot of white to showcase a pure setting. Even though, I know many people no longer are truly pure in the sense that was the original definition.

Of course, I like to picture a new definition for the “pure white” in my mind’s eye. To me when I see a couple walking down the aisle I see them going into this marriage with a “pure white” slate being handed to them. Marriage to me is unlike any other type of relationship a person can have. When the couple states “I do”, they are given the chance to start again with a brand new beginning and create a new life TOGETHER as ONE.

I love to create the wedding tables in my head. Many times in my head I picture all of these long white linen tablecloths with little bowls with water and floating rose candles lit all up and down the table. In the middle of the room is a crystal chandelier that is capturing the reflection of all the lights in the room and it’s creating the most remarkable image imaginable. There across the room I see the silver wrapped gifts (per the wedding invitation suggestion) and it makes me think about the gift shopping I’ve done for them.

I would go to The White Company  because it is filled with many gift ideas for the couple(s) in your life that are getting married. When I go shopping for gifts, I am honestly gravitated towards white bedding. That may have something to do with the fact that on my honeymoon the big thing I remember about the place we went to was how I loved the big comfortable comforter on our bed. To this day, I’m still on the hunt for a comforter that is as comfortable.

I may consider other gifts too, but one of the reasons that bedding is something that I give to a couple is because I also like to give them tips on how to maintain a healthy sex life for a lifetime with the person they’ve married. Sex and finances are two of the top things that lead to divorce, and I want to ensure that I do what I can to at least help in one area of their marriage.

What gift do you like to give the couple(s) getting married in your life? 




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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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