Phantom – Review

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This is such a remarkable book. I had to take a break from Laura DeLuca’s books, unfortunately. However, the FIRST chance I got to go back to this book I did. I was literally sneaking in a few minutes worth of reading time in this book little by little.

This is a story about two teenagers who are literal outcasts in some ways in their school. However, the main character in the story lands a leading role in the school play Phantom, and as a result gains some popularity. More importantly, she gains the attention of one of the cutest boys in school, and along with it she gains some major jealousy from others in the story as well.

This story held more romance than the other books by Laura that I’ve read. I enjoyed that aspect of it a lot. We all know that Del is a mysterious man, and that appeals to me a lot about him. Yet, at the same time it does also scare me at times as well because I never know what to expect. (Note: I trust him completely and know that I’m utterly safe with him! If I wasn’t there’s no way our relationship would be what it is today.) It was easy for me to place myself in the main character’s shoes minus the ability to sing wonderfully. Oh how, I wish I had that trait!

They say that “Jealousy kills.” Well, in this story… I’ll leave it to you to find out. This is a good book for someone who loves a bit of romance and a mystery all wrapped up in one. 😉

Disclosure: I did receive this book free in exchange for an honest review. That in no way shaped my opinion of this book. Yes, I am a huge Laura Deluca fan. I will be reading more of her books for review in the near future.




Book Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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