New Toy For Mommy

I got the chance to get a new HP Envy dv6 computer with Windows 8. I also got Microsoft 2013 professional finally. Both of them provide so many new features for a user it’s not even funny!!


Windows 8 makes my computer feel like it’s a bigger tablet. With the smaller computer I do declare it’s nice to use as well. I thought I would like the bigger laptops, but I didn’t!!! I am a fan smaller gadgets. I like my smaller Kindle Fire versus the bigger one my mother-in-law got. I definitely like my smaller iPhone 4 verses some of the bigger cell phones that have reached the market.

However, I do like a lot of features to be available to me on my smaller items. I do believe I’ve finally met my match. I am still doing the playing around with this new toy with all of the new additions. But so far, I’m quite pleased. I feel like a kid at a candy shop. So much to explore and try, and not enough funds/time to do it all. (It hasn’t been due to funds this time because there are so many free things included and offered, but time on my hands that’s a whole another discussion.)


I’ve been laid up in bed for the most part for the past couple of days. I’ve been given that lovely virus, and it’s definitely putting me through the ringer. I can’t believe Little Ms. Zeva hasn’t been hit harder than what she has with it. Of course, that may have been what she had to start with and that’s why she’s not acting sick now. Now, if only we could get her to sleep in her bed by herself!!


I miss my husband!!! Between him working outside of the home and us not being able to sleep together it feels like he’s been gone on a trucking trip. I miss being with my husband in a personal loving manner!!!!!! I told Jimmy that I wasn’t sleeping with Zeva tonight, he was going to be a big brother and get her to sleep tonight. He willingly agreed to do it. (It allows him to stay up longer so he’s all for it.) I am going to get time with my man if I do nothing else today. It’s been too long!!! If I’m chomping at the bit, then chances are high that he’s going even more crazy than I am, but managing to keep it under wraps only because I’ve been sick.


Well, I best close out for now. 🙂 Got some amazing things coming up for you all in the near future. 🙂


If you use Windows 8, what’s your favorite thing about it??



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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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