Life In Spite of Me- Book Review

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This book is remarkable. I truly believe this book was meant for me to read. I’ve mentioned my accident in 2006 several times, but I have never truly dug into how it made me feel as a person. I went from a woman who could ride horses with total ease, run circles around people in a restaurant, and genuinely go all the time and was Ms. Independent to a woman who was crippled by mobility.  This wasn’t the first time for me to be crippled by mobility, but unlike the first time… I was told by the doctor that I’d NEVER walk again with ease.

I wasn’t the least bit happy with my life in February 2006. I was miserable in my marriage, in our living arrangements, and flat out was depressed beyond measure. Like the author of this book, I truly wanted to end my life. I thought I was the only one who wonders if I tried to commit suicide; when it’s very possible that my accident was my attempt at taking my life.

God has given us both understanding and peace of mind as to why we’re still living. (I have not had the chance to finish this book 100%, but I am 3/4 of the way through it and love it enough to want to share it with you a bit early.) She fully committed her life to God. I had done it myself prior to my event, but my heart was not loving him completely like it should have prior to my accident.

My accident changed my life in so many ways. I rejoiced over the time I got with my mom since I lived. I look at my family I have now and the life I’m living, and to be quite honest, the person I was died in that accident and a newer and better version of myself came alive.

I recommend this book to anyone. However, if you’re like the author and myself and struggle with depression I recommend it ten times as much for you!!

A big thank you to Blogging for Books for the opportunity to review this book.



Book Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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