Lego Batman 2- Review

We bought Lego Batman 2 for ourselves. We literally own all of the Lego games, and have every intention of getting all the rest of the Lego games as they come out. 
I wasn’t allowed to play video games when I was growing up, so I’m still considered a beginner when it comes to playing video games. Lego games were the first games that Del introduced to me, and I’m super hooked on them.
I love so many things about Lego Batman 2. It is actually the one Lego game that allows you to play on split screens so that you can go to whatever area that interests you within reason and play. You are not held back by your teammate as much as you are in the other Lego games.
It  is a bit more challenging than other Lego games in my opinion. However, it doesn’t seem to cause as many arguments between the boys when they are playing compared to the other Lego games on the market already.

I love the fact that many superheros are a part of this game. I love the fact that it has a nice combination of many of the superheros that are already popular in it. It is primarily for Batman characters, but they did throw in some added characters too.

I recommend this game for young kids (or rookie video game players like myself.) I love the fact that regardless how many times you play the game there is always something new to find and do like on all Lego games.
You can find out more about Lego video games on their website. You can also connect with them on Facebook and Twitter.

Have you played Lego games?? If so, which one is your favorite??



Video Game Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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