I Love You But I Don’t Trust You" by Mira Kirshenbaum

I have mentioned in passing that there is a major issue that I have to overcome in order for my marriage to reach its full potential. The issue I have been avoiding talking about out loud on here is my lack of ability to trust my husband.

My past has prevented me from ever being able to 100% trust another person. I do trust my husband more than I’ve ever trusted any other human being. However, honestly, that’s not saying a whole lot of trust is happening. I praise God literally that my husband has had patience with me and this issue. He’s been put through the ringer by me, but he has stood by me through it all. He knows when I’m having an insecurity spell and he deals with it. There are times when I treat him like a prisoner (not because I honestly want to, but because I am so filled up with fear that it comes out that way.) He has had every reason in the world to want to throw our marriage out the window. However, he hasn’t, and the longer we are together the more confident I am becoming that he won’t do it. (He constantly reminds me that I’m the one who walked away from him or cheated on him; it wasn’t the other way around.I cheated on him when I was a teenager.)

I have been praying like crazy for a way to find the ability to completely utterly trust my husband 100%. He and I both deserve it for our marriage. Yes, over the course of our marriage he has done a bunch of little things that has made me doubt whether or not I could trust him. However, he has NEVER done anything major or with the intention of hurting me or not taking me into consideration. I am extremely blessed with my husband. (He’s NOT perfect, but he IS perfect for ME!!)

I’m not even completely finished with I Love You But I Don’t Trust You, but it is such a great read and I know many another woman who can relate to some of my feelings whether they admit them out loud or are like me and try and keep those feelings to themselves that I felt I needed to share this ASAP!! In order to completely love someone, you have to trust them as well. I want to completely love my husband. He deserves that from me, and if its the last thing I do, I’m going to do it. He hasn’t done anything to deserve my lack of trust him. I do believe I Love You But I Don’t Trust You is going to help me reach that point by helping me shed some light on the issue at hand in a different manner. Sometimes that’s all it takes for me to be able to reach a new perspective and ability to conquer something hard in my life.

Do you have issues with trusting others??

Note: I was not given these books as part of a review program. I literally checked the book in this review out from the local library and got it for my own personal gain. Once I saw how good it was, I had to share. 🙂



Book Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

3 comments on “I Love You But I Don’t Trust You" by Mira Kirshenbaum”

  1. I downloaded the books to kindle. I have trust/abandonment issues too and I think it’s a good step that you have the courage to admit it.

  2. Thank you for reading. The book is really helping me see things more clearly. My husband means the world to me, and other than my trust issue we honestly have a perfect marriage. However, the trust issue is a huge issue to deal with.

    The sad fact is he has lots more reason not to trust me than I do him, but yet, his actions show me that he trusts me. Go figure. I remind myself daily, “to love is to trust.” That literally has become my motto.

  3. I think this book helps with a lot of trust related issues!! This book helped me in more ways than any other book has concerning trust and to a major extent insecurity issues as well.


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