Dream Traveling

I have never had any desire to go out of country of any kind until my best friend from high school married a man from Australia and she up and moved all the way across the world with him. Whenever someone asks me where I want to go if I could go anywhere, my answer has been to Australia to see Scarlet. I would definitely love to go see her and spend time with her because she is truly one of the most remarkable people I know or have ever met in my life.

However, with that being said there are other places that have started to interest me as well since I’ve gotten older and started to explore the world around me beyond my little neck of the woods. I think going to Paris to the land of romance would be delightful for Del and I. I  do declare Del would enjoy exploring the world of arts and science while we are there.

Of course, knowing me I’d want to dream a little and explore the paris luxury apartments for rent . It would be fun for me to see what life would be like if I lived there for any period of time. That is what interests me the most is seeing how people live and truly survive on a daily basis in other parts of the world.

What interests you about other places?





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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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