Blaze of Glory Review and Personal Story

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There is so much I could say positive about this book!! This book captured my attention from the word go. However, I also knew it would due to my history with horses and passion for them. What I didn’t bank on was a number of memories it would stir up within me. This book almost could have been a story about my own personal life that’s how close it was to my life story. (Similar to the movie review I did about Little Bit of Heaven Movie Review.)
It’s pretty unique when an author or movie creator is able to make their story so real that a person reading the book/watching the movie is able to relate to it on a very personal level. I guess that’s why I try my best to make my posts ones that people can find something about themselves in what I write or talk about.
This book is definitely full of a lot of twists and turns and unexpected moments. Some of them are expected, but those are the good memories that come from the book. I do recommend it for fellow horse lovers and teenagers and above. It is not the type of book that you want to share with your little girls at this point.
I don’t want to spoil the book or give away too many details about the book. If you haven’t noticed books that I really love, I can do that without meaning to. So, instead, I’m going to share with you some of what it reminds me of….


This is Tripp, my very first baby. I raised him from a small colt and he got to have 30 days of basic training at trainers. When he came home he was still scared of his own shadow and quite literally was a handful and a half to handle.
My mom wanted to get rid of him, but I begged her to let me keep him in October of 1992. I was in a terrible place at that time in my life. I was just getting over the abuse situation and going to court as well. Plus to top matters off, I was filled with LOTS of anger and had major trust issues with everyone around. If you looked at me the wrong way, there was no telling what my reaction was going to be. I was an extreme loner. I begged my mom to let me have him instead.
She looked at me like I had three heads instead of one. I was only 13 years old, and I was an accomplished rider by then. Yet, I truly showed no interest in horses despite my mom trying to get me involved with them since before I was born.
I’ll never forget the first time I saw Tripp rear up on his hind legs. The moment he did that it was like I was seeing a kindred spirit in him. To this day, seeing or getting statues of horses on their hind legs are a symbol of wanting the freedom to be me.
There are just some animals/people that you can form a special bond with in life. Tripp was the one horse I bonded with and without him riding was never the same again. To this day, I don’t enjoy it like I did with him. I still feel my talents are strong with riding horses, and when I do get on one everyone comments on how well I do when I’m riding in amazement. This book covers the special bond and then some.
I also love how it covered a romance that was forbidden. Del and I definitely had a romance that was forbidden and ironically we were also six years apart in age. We had to overcome similar issues as the couple in this book. I have reminded of the things Del and I use to do when we first started dating.
This book is a wonderful read for young adults and people like me. I feel in all honesty if you enjoy romance then you will enjoy this book!!


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Book Reviews

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I'm Crystal. I'm married to Dale, and mother to Johnny. Some might say that my life is perfect because I get to do all the cliché wife things like cooking, cleaning, and decorating - but there's more! I also have many hobbies including needlework (crochet), sewing, and reading. My son's education is important, so we homeschool him together.

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